
If you would like to join The Church Of Canada, all you have to do is follow our Creed. The moment you promise to follow our Creed, you are a member. You do not need to register or follow us on FaceBook.

Once a member you must abide by our Creed and not participate in any vaccine passport systems, as it is against your religion and goes against The Church Of Canada.


If you have been disclosing your vaccine status or personal ID to anyone (including employer or service industry worker), you must stop now! If you surrender this Right to privacy, you may face immediate expulsion from The Church Of Canada!

If you have been asking your customers, friends, family or co-workers for photo ID or vaccine status, you must stop immediately or you will face expulsion from The Church Of Canada

The Church Of Canada was founded in Wingham, Ontario to make Canada glorious & free again, as all members must live by the most honorable creed imaginable, our Canadian Charter of Rights. The Church Of Canada will soon be in the process of filing for registered charity status.